Thursday, June 30, 2011

It's a blast, blast, blast

Happy Cars 2 Day!
(Frankie's eyes are not looking at me in the picture on the left, but at the theater manager who was standing behind me, 
waiting to inform me was I was not to take my camera into the theater. I had only sort of planned on it,
but for an innocent purpose. I am working on drawings for a new Westates Theater, 
I wanted pictures of the ceiling and the acoustic panels. That's all, I swear.)

Yesterday was a mini-holiday at our house, it was the day we went to see Cars 2. Frankie has been looking forward to this movie since we first saw a teaser trailer last fall. The fact that anytime I take him into any store for the last month there is Cars stuff everywhere has added to his excitement. 

We started the morning with kid time at the library, with a Gila Monster to boot, and then he had Cars 2 juice and Mac & Cheese lunch with Tayden and Jarek. 

We took Tayden to his computer camp, did some shopping, and then picked Tayden up and went back to my house to put together goodie bags that we smuggled into the theater. (I was quite the law-breaker yesterday, it would seem.) Each kid got a new Cars matchbox car, Cars fruit snack and juice, and a treat. Here's the bags ready to go. Yes, they are in Toy Story sacks, Chrissy and I had a moment of delusion or confusion or some such.

Finally, getting ready to go. Tayden didn't want his picture taken, and Jarek wanted to make him.

We were a little overzealous, and got to the theater almost an hour early. Some of my family attended a movie the night before, and it had been packed. Better safe then sorry, but we were the only ones in "line" until 10 minutes before showtime. We broke out their new cars and let them drive them around. Frankie has been wishing for a Cars 2 Lightning. Even though he already has 5 various Lightning cars. He assured me the paint is different enough to need another, and he got his wish yesterday.

We were all wearing purple, not planned. Cute, huh?

We also had Jessica and her boys with us for the movie. The movie was cute. I would say it didn't have the heart of the first one, but it was entertaining. My biggest complaint about it is actually that it was quite violent. I love the visuals of Pixar. You get to see Tokyo, Paris, and London Car-ized and it's sweet.

After Frankie was in bed last night, I reflected on what a happy day it had been. I'm grateful that we have the means to go see the silly 3d movie, splurge a bit and make an event out of it. There are times when it is fun to just have my one almost 5 year old boy, and yesterday was one of those times.