Thursday, July 7, 2011

Star Spangled

One of my favorite things about the 4th of July is singing the Star Spangled Banner at some point. I have such happy memories of the whole congregation standing and singing this powerful anthem. Especially in our student wards with all the beautiful voices. This year the 4th of July was on a Sunday and so I thought surely we would get to sing it - but no dice. Primary pulled through and I got to sing with the children, but I must say I was disappointed. 

In the morning on the 5th of July I was working out on the patio, with a little of Frankie's help. A strange thing happened, it started getting cooler instead of hotter. So I told Jerm and we decided we would pack up and go fishing. Unfortunately, we are a herd of turtles when it comes to leaving the house. By the time we made it all the way to Sand Hollow, the cloud cover was mostly gone and it was a bit toasty. And by toasty I mean downright hot. But we had fun anyway.

It is starting to become less scary when Frankie casts next to me. But I'm still not without fear.

There were a lot of people there playing on the beach. We all got our feet wet while we were over on the rocks, but Frankie wanted IN the water. After a few hours of not much luck with the fish, I took him over to play while Jerm cleaned everything up. Sand Hollow makes for some fun pictures.

Frankie didn't want to go, so Jeremy had to nab him. We stripped him down to his skivvies for the ride home. Then he fell asleep in the car. It was a really funny picture, and I have a picture, but I'm going to spare the kid.

After some recuperation from the heat, and some dinner, we headed over to Chrissy's house for Fireworks. I had purchased this huge pack of Fireworks so we could just split that instead of buying a lot of little ones. I feel like I've learned this lesson before, but I guess I needed to learn it again: the big packs aren't that great. Next year I'm just going to buy a bunch of flowers and fountains. But, the boys did think this package was really cool.

They also got to have some tank battles. I miss the tanks that had the wheels on the bottom, 
but sparks and flames are fun nonetheless.

(Look, adult supervision!)

Jeremy headed up our fireworks show.

In this picture most of us are looking up because they made aerial fireworks legal in Utah this year. Tax revenue, anyone? People went crazy buying them, and there were mini fireworks shows to be had all around.

After we were done we hustled over for the city fireworks. It is always amazing to me how many they set off. We've found an awesome spot that usually isn't too crowded and we're really close to the fireworks on the hill. Someday I want to be brave and go sit in the stadium so that we can hear the patriotic music.