Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Last Wednesday my Daddy got a phone call, and on Friday my parents left for Hawaii. They may be gone for a few weeks, or 6 months. We're still waiting for the final verdict. If it works out I'm so glad that my Daddy will have the opportunity to be a concrete man again for a while. But I will miss them like crazy. My Mom is my best friend, and their home will always be a place of comfort for me. I'm not sure how I will survive without being able to go over sometimes on evenings that Jeremy is working. 

But hooray for cell phones. And the internet. I may keep up on my blog better so that my Mom can see pictures to make her smile.

For a good start, here are photos from the thrown-together luau party we had for them on Thursday night. Aren't those boys great? Absolutely great.

Love you Mom and Dad. Can't wait to say Aloha for hello, instead of goodbye.

(Frankie's not crying because they were leaving, he had a little owie. But I might, sometimes.)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Missing You

Today I am home alone because my favorite buddy is camping with the Grandparents. I do enjoy alone time, but I'm missing my kid like crazy. Instead of being productive with all the many things I should be doing, I found myself looking at pictures, and especially getting stuck in the time right around Frankie's second birthday.

Now I'm not only missing Frankie, I'm missing the blond hair, chubby cheeks and limbs, and the gapped teeth of almost 4 years ago.

I cannot believe it has been that long. I wish I could jump into these pictures and sweep him up into a big hug. These years have gone by too quickly. I recently heard a musical number of "Sunrise, Sunset" and I cried through the whole thing. I think the older woman sitting next to me thought I was too young to be that effected by it - but my one baby is growing up, and sometimes I want to push pause. Or rewind.

I can't wait to see him tomorrow.

And in an effort of pretending to be productive, here are a few tidbits I've been meaning to blog about.

In May, after much process, we decided to send Frankie to a charter school next year for Kindergarten. They focus on arts and technology, but still teach the core curriculum as well. This was not a decision we took lightly, because I really did enjoy my public school education, and Jerm kind of did. On a more practical note we will have to drive him to and from - and it's a fair distance. The deciding factor was when we went and took the tour of the school. I had a moment that was a really powerful witness to me that it was the right thing, and Jeremy felt good about it too. The kids all seemed so happy and more innocent somehow. Later I took Frankie to his testing. He tested with the aide, while the 2 teachers talked to the parents. I was really impressed with how informative they were. I had previously been to the public school testing, (before Frankie had made the lottery for the charter school), and although I really liked the teacher we met with - it was just a different feeling. Not as much information was given or expected. We're not set in stone that he stay there, but for now we're giving it a shot.

So we're gearing up for Kindergarten. And I'm trying to find uniforms that I can handle. (Little boy polos are very hit and miss.)

The next update is that we've decided to renew our adoption home study. Which means we're legally able to adopt for another year. It also means another (smaller this time) fee and redoing much of the paperwork and such. I really didn't know if we would renew... I feel so different about it lately. We would still love to have it happen, but I guess the initial optimism is not there anymore. We're just not sure what's in store for our family. I know if there is a little one who is meant to be here they will be. Basically, we made the decision to keep waiting and hoping.