This afternoon I can look at the picture below and literally laugh out loud. I look like a grumpy old lady. I was just trying not to think about the fact that I was getting someone else's blood because it grossed me out. Still does actually - it's in there! But it helped me.

The Lord has helped me. I've given this all to him. What will be, will be. He is with me when it's at it's best, and when it's at it's worst.
As a side note, if you're sick for like 3 months, get help. Don't just sit on your couch and hope that you'll get better. Because that's what lands you in the E.R. I'll be kicking myself for it for a long time.
This kid is beautiful. He's a miracle, really. Because more biological children for us is kind of a question now. He's handled everything really well. We're so grateful to live close to family so that he could stay with his grandparents while we were at the hospital. He got to come visit us at the hospital and it would make me so happy. All the nurses loved him. I'm so excited to be able to take care of him again. The little things like making his lunch and giving him his bath.

The carnage on my poor arms after we got home.

This was the first time at the hospital that I wasn't connected to the IV, and all I wanted was to sit by Jeremy.
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