Life is starting to feel normal. Normal with Lupus. There's interesting changes - such as swallowing an awful lot of pills and supplements every day. One medication that I take 3 times a day has to be on an empty stomach. I have to wait an hour after I wake up before I can eat breakfast, then there's these 3 hour blocks after lunch and dinner that I can't eat. I'm also supposed to be really careful about salt, fat, and sugar intake to be nice to my kidneys. Both things are severely interfering with my attempts to gain the weight back that I lost. I'm constantly on watch for foods I eat that make me not feel well, things I smell that bring headaches, and anything out of the ordinary that has to do with my insides.
I basically have to take it a day at a time. And remind myself it's getting better. And have faith that it will never get bad again.
Frankie and I are back to our normal routines. Peanut butter sandwiches for lunch, board games, getting out and cleaning up the toys, playing outside, and laying by him for his nap. The other day I even took him with me to run errands. The last few mornings I've been tired and had to nap on the couch a bit. I realized that it's such a tender mercy that Frankie entertains himself so well and generally doesn't make too much mischief.
Jeremy has been helping him learn to ride the toddler bike that Christina and Ryan loaned us. He's getting better, but when he's by himself he still prefers his trike. He's crashed once and I think it freaked him out. Frankie inherited my overly-cautious genes, I'm afraid. For now it's a good thing - because when Jeremy was his age he'd already had stitches a few times and burns on both hands.

Frankie's hair got longer then it had ever been. To my surprise, you could even see a bit of curl. But his hair doesn't grow out gracefully, so as soon as I was up to it we had a haircut night. To get through it this time, we let Frankie man the spray bottle and spray Jeremy, who would hide, run out, and squeal dramatically. Whatever works, right?

And suddenly he's six months older. Sigh.

I finally got my patio cleaned up and my flowers planted. It's now what I've wanted it to be for the 2 years we've lived here. We also bought a bin and some sand and made Frankie an awesome white trash sandbox. It's quite nice that he can't sit in it, and that it closes up.

My flowers make me happy. They're already blooming more then when I took this picture. I kind of overdid it the day we did the planting, but it's been worth it. I love opening the blinds of the sliding glass door and looking out to this. We've got some strawberries, tomatoes and herbs going too. Next year I want to figure out a way to grow some peas.

We said goodbye to Frankie's infamous house. My living room doubled in size. I love his sticker handiwork.

Last weekend Jeremy and I went and stayed a few nights in Vegas for our anniversary. We felt a bit guilty about spending the money, since finances are being reconfigured right now to accommodate medical costs, but we had planned on going since last year, so we just did. It's always so wonderful to be with my husband, and just do whatever we want. We did some general exploring, shopping, and went to the Cirque De Soleil show Ka. It was amazing. Standing in line to get into the theatre: not so amazing. Good thing I had Jeremy to lean on. All the walking got me genuinely tired and I slept pretty well the second night. It's time to get back to exercising.

We found this awesome little hotel right by the MGM grand that was much cheaper then staying in the casinos. So we didn't have to walk through a casino to get through our room! And it was like a little time share with an almost full kitchen and a separate bedroom. This was nice so that I could do my early waking and Jeremy could still sleep in. On Saturday morning Bill and Ted's Excellent adventure came on at like 7:00 am. I watched it and laughed, it was good times.
Here is me with my lemon cake from Macaroni Grill. I seriously crave this stuff. It was fun to get desserts to go and eat them back at our room.