We spent the 4th of July at the cabin, the long weekend also doubled as a family reunion. It was beautiful, green and cool. Did I mention cool? Brian Head puts on a really nice fireworks display, and we go in hats and blankets. Pretty different from St. George.
Some pictures from our little jaunt through the woods by our cabin.
The girls on the jaunt. All my sisters, my Mom, and my sister in law Jessica.
When we were growing up, and having family reunions in Scofied, singing around the campfire was one of our favorite traditions. We got to do it this year with this new generation of kids. Only problem is they don't know most of the songs. Classics like "Hang down your head Tom Dooley." Which really doesn't have great lyrics. But we love it somehow anyway.
Everyone likes the smore's. Even if they don't like the songs.
While cousin Kimberly was staying at my Mom's the week leading up the reunion, Frankie became quite attached to her. She literally had a cling-on. I hope she didn't mind too much.
Here's the official patriotic dinner set up. We took a formal picture of everyone sitting, and my camera had a malfunction moment. This is the best I got.
The theme of this reunion was "Return of the Game." Chrissy and Ryan even made us great t-shirts. This theme was created because the foose ball table returned. We had it at the Scofield cabin, but it's been living in Laurie's garage for many years. It's back, with new parts and lots of lubed joints. It's a really nice table - the bars are heavy, I was informed by my Father that it's "tournament grade." It's something sports-like that I'm actually somewhat good at, due to the years of playing in my youth.
In fact, before this weekend, I had always beat Jeremy when we ran across a foose ball table somewhere. But Jeremy spent a lot of time playing my brother Jeff, and now Jeremy beats me as readily as Jeff does. Sadness.
It's very entertaining to watch.
My big brothers going at it. It's amazing the table survives.
There was also Rock Band available on the other side of the basement.
This is the whole crew, except for my Brother in law Brian. It was pulling teeth to get this picture, oh boy. My child was the worst of all since he saw it fit to go HIDE while we were in the midst of gathering everyone. But we did it! We're wearing the matching shirts. I love my big, noisy family. And I love having the freedom to be together and do as we wish. It was a great 4th.