Monday, September 20, 2010

Life's no fun without a good scare

Frankie's party was a little early this year, trying to make things work with Jeremy's new schedule. Who doesn't love Halloween in August?

Frankie helped me make his cake, the haunted house is a Wilton Kit. (sweet)
The idea to make "creepy cupcakes," and a few of the other activities we did, come right
out of one of his favorite bedtime books:
Coudouroy's Trick or Treat.

Frankie was so excited about his ghost costume, and was even good about trying it on while I was making it. But at the party he wouldn't put it on until the treasure hunt, and then he didn't keep it on long after that. I never got a decent picture. But I think it will appear again for Halloween proper.

Please note Jarek's tail with his Avatar costume. Just because he wanted a tail.

On the way home Frankie said "My party was just what I wanted!"

(Cue Mom with happy heart.)

Final Notes for the record:

-After our shopping trip for things for his party, he took everything and set it up display-style in the living room
-When we got our Halloween decorations out of the attic the night before the party, Frankie's life was good. Seriously, we probably could have stopped there he was so excited. The decorations are now up in my house, MUCH earlier then usual. I hope by the time Halloween is over he's ready to part with them
-He helped me put together all the prizes for the treasure hunt, and he wanted all the favor bags to actually have names written on them. He also made sure that only the girls got pink and purple stretchy animals
-Thanks to family for helping set up, and keeping things rolling, especially Kaitlyn for constructing the black cat game
-I am not proficient in fake spider web stretching, good thing Alison is
-Of all the things to forget, I forgot the candles and something to light them with. Laurie did an emergency run, so things happened a bit askew, but Frankie didn't care
-Nick and Alison got Frankie transformers. It took Nick and Sam a good half hour to transform Bumblebee into his car self. The box says ages 5 and up. I fear the day Frankie wants my help with them (but I know he'll love them when he figures them out)
-Frankie tells everyone he played "the Mommy game" at his party.
-Each child had an individual clue for the treasure hunt, with a spooky twist to it
-He is still saying thank you for his party and all of his new toys in his prayers. It makes me glad that he is grateful and appreciative

I loved seeing Frankie's happiness with it all. Just look at his eyes in the pictures. I loved feeling so well and being able to get everything ready. (You should have seen me kneading that fondant.)

Most of all I love my boy. My four year old boy.