Thursday, August 25, 2011


It's been a monumental few weeks around here.

First and foremost: Meet my husband, the Paramedic. He passed his written and his practical exams on the first try. This is the picture we included with the couple of graduation announcements we sent out.

We made it through the year. They asked us to come talk to next years class and tell them how we did it. I don't know if we were actually the most effective for this. I remember how hard they pushed having a calender and scheduling everything when they talked to us last year. Instead I told them "I gave up trying to keep track of his schedule because it changed so often and it just made me frustrated. We took it a few days at a time."

After he received his certificate, I got to go up and place his pin. And then I got a hug. This was the best picture we got of the actual ceremony, the lights in there were all sorts of funky. But it was a good graduation.

At the ceremony they presented an award for the Student of the Year. This was voted on by the class. When his instructor Malinda presented it, she said Jeremy won "by a landslide." He was at the top of his class with his grades as well, and he excelled at all he did this last year. I'm so proud of him. Here he is with his student of the year plaque. He also had to give a speech, it was well done.

These were Jeremy's favorite classmates and friends. Devin and Aubrey - who are married to each other and went through the program at the same time. Brave souls.

With our parental units:

Frankie helped himself to the brownies they served after the ceremony, even though we were soon to be having lunch.

A happy family that never has to go through the Paramedic Program again:

Afterwards we had a little luncheon celebration at our house.

Jeremy's Mom gave him most everything he needs for a "jump kit." Basically a first aid kit, but for someone who can administer some serious first aid. He still needs to get a few things but he was very excited about this. He also got a new fishing chair and some Hello Kitty band aids. Always essential.

After the graduation we packed up and headed for a trip to SLC and the cabin. That's another post, for another day.

Last week Frankie started preschool. He has been so excited about this all summer, and it's helped make it a little less painful that his cousins are in school. It was only a little painful for me. We planned a lunch on his first day so I had something to look forward to. And it gives me a few hours at the office which is going to be good. He comes home singing cute little songs and telling me all about it. He loves going and being around other children. Here are some pictures from his first day, he wanted his hair to be "rockin'-stylin.'"

Frankie chose his tie dye preschool shoes, and although I picked out the Cars 2 backpack he is a big fan.

Kennadi and Frankie are in the same class. We couldn't resist.

The first activity at preschool was going through a list that helped him know where everything in the school is. When he would find the item, he got to put a sticker next to it. The last one was "give your Mom a kiss and say 'See you later, alligator.'" It was very cute. I gave him a kiss and away I went. Since the first day he wants to run in by himself, he doesn't want me to walk with him. He is so grown up.

On Tuesday we learned that Jeremy has 2 new jobs. One is at the E.R. in the hospital. For now he is just a tech but we hope by getting his foot in the door he'll be able to get a job there as a medic the next time they hire one. He is also going to be an instructor for the Paramedic program 3 or 4 times a month. And he still may be hired at the Iron County ambulance agency.

In the midst of all the happy news, for about 24 hours this week we thought we might be adopting a baby boy. Our home study isn't finished yet, so it was a frantic and emotional 24 hours, because it would have been possible to expedite the process if necessary so we were trying to get everything done. When nothing came of it, it was devastating on many levels. I really don't have much else to say about it right now - it's so hard to express, and when I see what feels like everyone around me pregnant, with little babies, or with their several children I feel almost angry... not at those people but at my situation. And I feel so sure that no one will understand.

Just keep moving forward, as always. Give me a minute to mourn and I'll be fine, but it makes this process even more frightening. If it's that hard after only a day, imagine the disappointment if it's been weeks or months of expectations, and it doesn't work out. Our home study should be finished soon. I'll post the link to our profile and such when it's done. We still have faith that there are more children that need to come into our family, somehow.

Post Edit: Jeremy's position at the E.R. was just upgraded. He is still a tech, but now he is a full time one. With benefits. We have never had health insurance for our whole family - to say the least we are excited. This week has been quite the ride.