As one would guess, it's been a spooky month around here. I can't believe it's already almost over, October has flown by.
I still need to make Frankie's Halloween costume, but I have all the supplies. The hat is a hint as to what he is going to be, any guesses? It was black and I bleached it to be brown, I can't believe it worked. If the costume turns out it will be awesome, if not, it will be a memory, right? The skeleton pajamas are courtesy Grandma Anderson. They glow in the dark, and I mean REALLY glow. It's hard getting him out of them the next morning.
I let Frankie try his hand at some ghost pictures with the open shutter.
Some of them were freaky enough that we deleted them.
Our neighborhood is doing the anonymous Halloween treat thing, where you put the ghost on your door after you've been given treats and say you've been "boo-ed." And then you "boo" 2 others. (I had a really hard time figuring out how to write that out. I should have had Frankie hold up the little paper.) He was so excited to go deliver the treats we made that this was the best picture I could get out of him. He was an expert at the doorbell ditching: hiding behind bushes and sneaking around. It was awesome. Something happened to our ghost, though. If someone else brings us treats I'm going to feel guilty.
There is a lot of spooky artwork being created. Ever since Halloween paraphernalia started showing up in the ads he wants to cut them out. He will ask me if there is any "spooky news." I made him the cardstock book to paste in on a day that I working to finish a deadline. (I was up until 4:30 the next morning that day, good fun!) He was very studious about it and didn't want to stop until he had filled up every page. He is also the proud owner of a little supply of Halloween scrapbook paper and a coloring book that he commandeered from the cabin.